FQ company oriented screening is the second part of the two stage assessment-center conducted by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on behalf of airlines like Deutsche Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines.
The FQ-Simulator requires participants to navigate an aircraft through several tracks by instrument flight rules. Standard cockpit instruments are your only guidance in this test. You are to conduct the flight with a minimum of deviation from track.
Road Capacity Test
The Road Capacity Test (RCT) is the second computer based screening method you will encounter at FQ-assessment-center. RCT is conducted to measure your team-working capacity for your future job as a commercial pilot in a multi-crew aircraft. The task comprised is of rather abstract nature, though. In principle, you are to assign weights from a given assortment to roads the capacity of which is restricted by a maximum load.
Training modules of PilotMeetup® software products are similar to the original tasks but not meant to simulate or reproduce actual tests. As this is a preparation product all modules were designed under the premises to deliver gradual performance enhancements in those ability domains identified crucial for a successful airline screening participation.
System Requirements
The program runs on any PC with at least 1 GHz processor and 256 MB Ram, a modern graphics card and Windows® XP®, Windows® Vista® or Windows® 7 / 8 / 10. It should also work on slower computers, but perhaps not quite so efficiently. Headphones are recommended for the sound. Input as a rule is via keyboard and mouse, some tests can also be carried out with the joystick.